Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kiersten's 1st BEE-Day!!

Ok, so I have totally dropped the ball keeping up on my blog.  We have been SO busy doing life since the fall that I haven't had time to write about it.  SO, I've been sorting through pictures, thoughts and memories the past couple of weeks and it is my goal to get caught up....before things get crazy again :)

We celebrated Kiersten's first birthday on October 10th.  Jace's mom was able to come out from Texas to help throw her birthday party and it was awesome!

To celebrate on the actual day of her birthday we just got Kiers a cupcake, her first cupcake.  She was so excited and anxious to eat it that by the time we finished singing Happy Birthday to her she was having a mini temper tantrum because we weren't giving it to her.  Then once she had the cupcake all was right in the world again :)

The progression of expressions is actually quite humorous.
The theme of the party was "Kiersten's 1st BEE-Day" so everything was bee themed.

My friend LaVista helped me make (by which I mean, did most of the work) these super cute beehive cupcakes!  Complete with edible bees - yellow peanut M&Ms, edible black marker (who knew that existed?) and white fondent.

Elaine spent hours and hours at home in Texas crafting and working her magic to make all the decorations for the party.

Proud Dad hanging the "beehives"

The decorations were so great, I just want to share some, or a lot, of pictures with you!

Everyone wore antennae!!

Cupcake time - let's get messy!!

At first we thought Kiersten was just going to town on the cupcake.  Then we realized she was so scared of all the people watching her and singing all at once, that she was actually hiding behind the cupcake.  Jace was getting concerned about her being able to breathe because she had it crammed up against her mouth and nose, so he moved it, and the most adorable and pathetic little cry came out of her.  Everyone was so kind and just casually started to move away and start chit-chatting.  Then Kiersten got to enjoy eating her cupcake :)
The final result

Overall it was a great time with family and friends.  And it was such a joy to celebrate our baby girl's first year of life.  She has brought a lot of laughter and silliness into our lives.  God knew we needed her for that.  We love you Kiersten Jade!!

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