Friday, February 24, 2012


We've had a lot of beginnings in the past couple of years. Jace began a new career, and a few new jobs. I began my new role as a stay-at-home mom. Our kids, Riley and Kiersten, began, well, life! It's been a big shift for us to go from married with no kids, Jace in school, me working full-time, to this new season in life. But I can't help but feel like all is how it should be. We worked toward this time for so long, it always felt like we were waiting for our "real" life to begin. It's not all sunshine and roses for sure, but God has really blessed us and answered every prayer we've ever prayed about Jace's jobs and about having a family.

So, here it is, the BEGINNING of our family blog. I'm hoping that this blog will help me to be better at documenting my kids' milestones, latest goofy things they're doing, and just what we are up to. And hopefully I'll be better at taking pictures!

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